«‘Live and learn’ once said the ancient Greek philosopher Solon – words which are not only timeless but still correspond perfectly with medical science. With knowledge, technology, and emerging procedures changing all the time, today’s doctor has to stay constantly aware and informed, following a continuous medical education in order to provide his patients with the best possible quality of medical services.
Dr. Marios Pedonomou studied Human Medicine at the University of Düsseldorf in Germany, completed his training in General Surgery in Germany, Cyprus and Greece, and gained the title of Specialist in Surgery in Athens, in 2002. He continued the specialisation in Minimally Invasive Surgery for a further two years, mainly in Greece, Germany and UK, and later in the USA, being privileged to undergo training in Laparoscopic and Bariatric Surgery from world-renowned doctors.
Dr. Pedonomou has been practising Minimally Invasive Surgery since 2004, employed firstly by the Lefkas General Hospital in Greece in order to introduce Laparoscopic Surgery to the Hospital. Having performed the first laparoscopic procedures in the history of the Hospital, he also held the responsibility for training his colleagues and personnel in laparoscopy. Returning to Cyprus, he spent almost a decade – first in Larnaca and then in Nicosia General Hospitals – successfully performing numerous laparoscopic and bariatric procedures.
Also highly involved in studies and research related to his field of interest, Dr. Pedonomou has presented his results at both major local and international congresses: his published research into surgery for obesity being the first and only ever work of its kind conducted in Cyprus. Engaged as the Head of Department for the Surgery for Obesity in Nicosia General Hospital, his responsibilities included laparoscopic adrenalectomies and advanced laparoscopic surgery. At the same time, he worked as part of the team of the Breast Clinic. Since 2015, he has been working in the Aretaeio Private Hospital in Nicosia.
Dr. Pedonomou’s academic qualifications include a PhD from the University of Düsseldorf Medical School (2003) and an MSc Title in Health Management from the Open University of Cyprus (2014). An enthusiastic participant in the teaching and education of surgical trainees since 2004, from 2013 he has been part of the Faculty of the University of Nicosia Medical School, which delivers the Medical Program of St. George’s University of London. He is currently Clinical Associate Professor of Surgery (2017).
Consistently awarded for his performances in surgical competitions and for his scientific work, Dr. Pedonomou has also been honored with grants and scholarships for postgraduate training in Minimally Invasive Surgery. His most appreciated recognition is the acknowledgement from the International Federation for the Surgery for Obesity of his contribution to Bariatric Surgery in Cyprus, and the invitation to represent his country at the First Mediterranean Obesity Summit. Since then, Dr. Pedonomou has been regarded as Founding Member of the Mediterranean Obesity Surgery Network.
“Love and passion for my work, integrity and necessity for continuous improvement for qualitative medical services with respect to humanism.”
Marios Pedonomou
Curriculum Vitae
At a Glance
2017 | Clinical Associate Professor of Surgery at the University of Nicosia/St. George’s Medical School of London |
2016 | Representative of Cyprus to the 1st Mediterranean Obesity Surgery Summit in Naples, Italy and Founding Member of the Mediterranean Obesity Surgery Network (MOSN) |
2014 | Master Degree (MSc) in Health Management from the Open University of Cyprus |
2013 | Honorary Assistant Professor of Surgery at the University of Nicosia/St. George’s Medical School of London |
2013 | Advanced Bariatric Life Support (ABLS), American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery, 2013 |
2003-2010 | Specialization in Advanced Laparoscopic and Bariatric Surgery in Greece, Germany, UK, France and USA |
2010 | Fundamentals of Bariatric Surgery, Certificate of Completion. American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery |
2010 | Scholarship for 2010, after competition, from the Fulbright Commission. Training in Laparoscopic and Bariatric Surgery in the USA |
2005-2014 | Consultant Surgeon in Nicosia General Hospital. Experience in Advance Laparoscopic Surgery. Head of the Department for the Surgery of Obesity |
2004 | Scholarship for 2004, after competition, from the Hellenic Surgical Society, Athens, Greece. Training in Laparoscopic and Bariatric Surgery in Germany |
12/2003 | PhD Degree. Heinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf, Medical School, Germany |
1995-2002 | Specialization in General Surgery in Germany, Cyprus and Greece |
1993-1994 | Practical Year in Benrath Hospital, Germany, Academical Hospital of the University of Düsseldorf |
1986-1993 | Studies of Human Medicine in the Heinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf, Medical School, Germany |
From 1999 | Scientific work with 12 publications and 49 presentations in local and international surgical congresses |
Postgraduate Work-Experience
From 2015 | Consultant Surgeon in Aretaeio Hospital Nicosia |
04/2006 – 11/2014 | Consultant Surgeon in Nicosia General Hospital |
06/2010 – 09/2010 | Training in Advanced Laparoscopic and Bariatric Surgery in Lutheran Medical Center, Brooklyn, New York, USA, under Professor George Ferzli |
09/2005 – 04/2006 | Consultant Surgeon in Larnaca General Hospital |
08/2004 – 08/2005 | Consultant Surgeon in Lefkas General Hospital, Greece. Introduction of laparoscopic surgery in the Hospital |
04/2004 – 08/2004 | Training in Advanced Laparoscopic and Bariatric Surgery in the Center for Minimally Invasive Surgery, Evangelische Huyssensstiftung, Kliniken-Essen-Mitte, Essen, Germany, under Prof. Dr. med. M. Walz and PD Dr. K. Peitgen |
10/2003 – 04/2004 | Consultant Surgeon in Henry-Dunant-Hospital, Athens, Greece |
05/2003 – 10/2003 | Training in Advanced Laparoscopic and Bariatric Surgery in the Athens Medical Center, Greece, under Professor Konstantin Konstantinidis |
01/2003 – 04/2003 | Consultant Surgeon in Metropolitan Hospital, Piraeus, Greece |
19/12/2002 | Title as Specialist in Surgery. Athens, Greece |
10/2000 – 10/2002 | Senior Registrar in “Georgios Gennimatas Hospital”, Athens, Greece |
12/1997 – 10/2002 | Surgical Trainee in Larnaca and Nicosia General Hospitals, Cyprus |
03/1997 – 09/1997 | Pre-Registration in the Clinic for Internal Medicine in Larnaca General Hospital to acquire the Cyprus Medical License |
09/1995 – 02/1997 | Surgical Trainee in Paracelsus Klinik Neuss, Düsseldorf and Wilhelm- Anton-Hospital, Goch, Germany |
05/1995 – 08/1995 | Medical Trainee in Occupational Medicine. Landes Anstalt für Arbeitsschutz, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Düsseldorf, Germany |
10/1993 – 10/1994 | Practical Year in Surgery, Internal Medicine and Gynecology and Obstetrics. Benrath Hospital, Academic Teaching Hospital of the University of Düsseldorf |
1986 – 1993 | Studies of Human Medicine in the Heinrich-Heine University of Dȕsseldorf Medical School |
Specialization in Minimally Invasive Surgery
May 2017 | IFSO European Chapter Symposium and II Mediterranean Obesity Summit MOSS. Naples, Italy |
February 2017 | International Symposium on Transanal Total Mesorectal Excision (TaTME). University of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece |
November 2016 | Course in Minimally Invasive Hernia Surgery. Abdominal Hernias. Greek Society for Laparoscopic and Endoscopic Surgery. Athens, Greece |
April 2016 | Laparoscopic Surgical Week. 2nd Live Surgery Workshop on Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery and 1st Mediterranean Obesity Surgery Summit MOSS. Naples, Italy |
November 2014 | 1. Sleeve Gastrectomy-The Debate. American Society for Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery. Boston, Massachusetts, USA 2. Assesing Options for Postoperative Pain Management in Bariatric Surgery. Vindico Medical Education. Boston, Massachusetts, USA 3. Individualizing Management of Obesity: New Strategies for Long-Term Results. Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts, USA 4. Assesing Cornerstones for Successful Weight Loss: Building a Foundation that Really Works. Vindico Medical Education. Boston, Massachusetts, USA |
September 2014 | Laparoscopic Hernia Repair Course. University of Thesally, Larissa, Greece |
May 2014 | Medical Expert Training in Advanced Sleeve Gastrectomy. Clinique La Casamance, Aubagne, Marseille, France |
November 2013 | 1. Complications of Sleeve Gastrectomy: Endoscopy and Surgical Solutions. American Society for Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery. Atlanta, Georgia, USA 2. Advanced Bariatric Life Support: Handling Bariatric Complications. American Society for Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery. Atlanta, Georgia, USA |
June 2012 | 1. Mechanisms of Obesity and Bariatric Surgery. American Society for Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery. San Diego, California, USA 2. Sleeve Gastrectomy: Outcomes and Management of Complications. American Society for Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery. San Diego, California, USA 3. Management of Weight Loss Failure after Bariatric Surgery. American Society for Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery. San Diego, California, USA |
June 2011 | Integrated Health Postgraduate Nutrition and Bariatric Surgery Masters Course in Behavioral Health. American Society for Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery. Orlando , USA |
September 2010 | Prevention and Management of Laparoscopic and Endoscopic Surgical Complications. The Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons. New York, USA |
06/2010 – 09/2010 | Training in Advanced Laparoscopic and Bariatric Surgery in Lutheran Medical Center, Brooklyn, New York, USA, under Professor George Ferzli (Grant from the Fulbright Commission, USA) |
June 2010 | 1. Fundamentals of Bariatric Surgery. American Society for Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery. Las Vegas, USA 2. ASMBS/ SAGES Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgery: Flexible Endoscopy and Emerging Endoluminal Procedures. Didactic. American Society for Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery. Las Vegas, USA 3. ASMBS/ SAGES Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgery: Flexible Endoscopy and Emerging Endoluminal Procedures. Lab: Therapeutic Endoscopy American Society for Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery. Las Vegas, USA 4. Advanced Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy: Techniques and Outcomes. Didactic and Lab. American Society for Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery. Las Vegas, USA |
April 2010 | 1st International Symposium in Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery Nicosia, Cyprus |
March 2007 | EAES (European Association of Endoscopic Surgery) Course in Laparoscopic Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery, Cuschieri Skills Centre, Ninewells Hospital and Medical School, University of Dundee, Great Britain |
June 2006 | EAES (European Association of Endoscopic Surgery) Course in Laparoscopic Lower GI Surgery, Cuschieri Skills Centre, Ninewells Hospital and Medical School, University of Dundee, Great Britain |
October 2005 | Minimally Invasive Techniques in Gastrointestinal Surgery, (Curriculum III), European Surgical Institute, Norderstedt, Hamburg, Germany |
June 2005 | EAES (European Association of Endoscopic Surgery) Course in Laparoscopic Gαstrointestinal Surgery, Cuschieri Skills Centre, Ninewells Hospital and Medical School, University of Dundee, Great Britain |
May 2005 | Course in Minimally Invasive Surgery: Colorectal Cancer and Laparoscopic Surgery. Ioannina General Hospital “G. Hadjikosta”, Ioannina, Greece |
November 2004 | Minimally Invasive Techniques in General Surgery, (Curriculum II), European Surgical Institute, Norderstedt, Hamburg, Germany |
01/09/2004 – 31/08/2005 | Consultant Surgeon in Lefkas General Hospital, Greece. Introduction of laparoscopic surgery in the Hospital |
26/04/2004 – 08/08/2004 | Training in Advanced Laparoscopic and Bariatric Surgery in the Center for Minimally Invasive Surgery, Evangelische Huyssensstiftung, Kliniken-Essen-Mitte, Essen, Germany, under Prof. Dr. med. M. Walz and PD Dr. K. Peitgen |
10/2003 – 04/2004 | Consultant Surgeon in Henry-Dunant-Hospital in Minimally Invasive Surgery. Athens, Greece |
October 2003 | Course in Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery. 1st Surgical Clinic, University of Athens, Greece |
June 2003 | Basic Training in Laparoscopic Surgery. European Association of Endoscopic Surgery (EAES). Athens, Greece |
5/2003 – 10/2003 | Training in Advanced Laparoscopic and Bariatric Surgery in the Athens Medical Center, Greece, under Professor Konstantin Konstantinidis |
Academic Qualifications - Titles
July 2017 | Clinical Associate Professor of Surgery at the University of Nicosia/St. George’s Medical School of London |
July 2014 | Master Degree in Health Management Magister Atrium from the Open University of Cyprus Dissertation: “Quality of Life in Morbidly Obese Patients Before and After Bariatric Surgery” (in Greek) |
2013 | Honorary Assistant Professor of Surgery at the University of Nicosia/St. George’s Medical School of London |
23/12/2003 | PhD Degree in Medicine Heinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf, Medical School, Germany Dissertation: “Prognostic Factors in the Treatment of Ewing’s Sarcoma” (in German) |
December 2002 | Title of Specialist in General Surgery. Athens, Republic of Greece |
05/05/1995 | MD Title. Completion of the Studies in Human Medicine. Heinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf, Medical School. Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany |
Additional Medical and Surgical Experience
November 2013 | Diploma for Advanced Bariatric Life Support (ABLS), American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery |
September 2010 | Diploma in Fundamentals of Bariatric Surgery, American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery |
October 2009 | Definitive Surgical Trauma Care Course. International Association for Trauma Surgery and Intensive Care (IATSIC), Limassol, Cyprus |
2008 | Certificate in Postgraduate Courses in Colorectal Surgery. University of Crete, Greece |
2007 | ΙΒΜ Courses in medical programs: Hospital Order Entry, Electronic Health Care Records and Coding and Classification of CTs |
April 2007 | Advanced Life Support Course (ALS), European Resuscitation Council, Nicosia |
Since 2004 | Continuous Surgical Education, offered online from the German scientific magazine “Der Chirurg”, Official Journal of the German Society of Surgery |
2001- 2011 | Titles of Postgraduate Seminars in Surgery for the years 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2011. Participation to the annual exams. Educational Committee of the Hellenic Surgical Society |
November 1996 | Seminar for the Protection from the Radiation. Nordrheinische Akademie für Ärztliche Fort- und Weiterbildung, Düsseldorf, Germany |
July 2017 | Associate Professor of Surgery at the University of Nicosia/St. George’s Medical School of London |
May 2017 | Representative of Cyprus to the 2nd Mediterranean Obesity Surgery Summit (MOSS) in Naples, Italy |
April 2016 | Founding Member of the Mediterranean Obesity Surgery Network (MOSN) |
April 2016 | Representative of Cyprus to the 1st Mediterranean Obesity Surgery Summit (MOSS) in Naples, Italy |
October 2013 | Honorary Assistant Professor of Surgery at the University of Nicosia/St. George’s Medical School of London |
February 2012 | Honorary Distinction for the highest level of score at the Postgraduate Surgical Seminars for 2011. Hellenic Society for Surgery. Athens, Greece |
November 2010 | Nomination for the Best Poster Presentation for the Study “Job’s Syndrome with Necrotizing Fasciitis. A very rare clinical case” 27th Pan-Hellenic Surgical Congress and International Surgical Forum 2010, Athens, Greece |
September 2009 | Scholarship for 2010, after competition from the Fulbright Commission: Training in Laparoscopic and Bariatric Surgery in the USA |
February 2004 | Scholarship for 2004, after competition from the Hellenic Society for Surgery. Athens, Greece: Training in Laparoscopic and Bariatric Surgery in Germany |
February 2004 | Honorary Distinction for the highest level of score at the Postgraduate Surgical Seminars for 2003. Hellenic Society for Surgery. Athens, Greece |
February 2003 | Second Prize for Distinction in Postgraduate Surgical Seminars for 2002. Hellenic Society for Surgery. Athens, Greece |
November 2002 | Award for the Oral Presentation “Pancreas Resection in the Treatment of Pancreas Malignancies” |
23rd Pan-Hellenic Surgical Congress, Athens, Greece |
Professional Societies
1995-1997 | Medical Society of Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany |
From 1997 | Pancyprian Medical Association |
From 2000 | Athens Medical Society |
From 2000 | Hellenic Surgical Society |
From 2005 | Cyprus Surgical Society |
From 2009 | Greek Society for Laparo-Endoscopic Surgery |
From 2010 | European Association for Endoscopic Surgery (EAES) |
From 2010 | American Society of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS) |
From 2010 | International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders (IFSO) |
From 2016 | Founding Member of the Mediterranean Obesity Surgery Network (MOSN) |
Scientific Work
A) Publications
A) Publications
1. “The Significant Improvement of Quality of Life in Morbidly Obese Patients after Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy”
M. Pedonomou
Obesity Facts. The European Journal of Obesity. Volume 9, Supplement 1, June 2016,
Page 281
2. “The Quality of Life in Morbidly Obese Patients before and after bariatric Surgery”
M. Pedonomou
Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases. Nov. – Dec. 2015, Volume 11, Issue 6,
Supplement, Pages 135-136
3. «The Quality of Life in Morbidly Obese Patients before and after bariatric Surgery»
M. Pedonomou
Open University of Cyprus. Faculty of Economics and Management. Dissertation for the Master Degree. Nicosia, July 2014, Pages 1-109 (in greek)
4. «Isolated Jejunal Perforation Following Bicycle Handlebar Injury in Adults: A Case Report”
K. Neofytou, M. Michaelidou, A. Petrou, S. Loizou, Ch. Andreou and M. Pedonomou
Hindawi Publishing Corporation, Case Reports in Emergency Medicine. Volume 2013, Article ID 678678, 4 Pages
5. “Prognosefaktoren beider Therapie des Ewing-Sarkoms”
M. Pedonomou
Thesis for the PhD Degree
Published by the German National Library, Library of the University of Düsseldorf. Düsseldorf 2003 (in German):
6. “Changing Trends in the management of Klatskin tumor”
N. Lygidakis, G. Singh, E. Bardaxoglou, G. Dedemadi, G. Sgourakis, J. Nestoridis, A. Malliotakis, M. Pedonomou, M. Safioleas, EK Solomou, L. Grigorakos, P. Vrachnos
Hepatogastroenterology. Current Medical and Surgical Trends
Official Journal of the International Association of Surgeons and Gastroenterologists
Volume 51, No 57, Pages 689-696, Athens- Stuttgart, May-June 2004
7. “Mono-bloc Total Spleno-Pancreaticoduodenectomy for Pancreatic Head Carcinoma with Portal-Mesenteric Venous Invasion, A Prospective Randomized Study”
N. Lygidakis, G. Singh, E. Bardaxoglou, G. Dedemadi, G. Sgourakis, J. Nestoridis, A. Malliotakis, M. Pedonomou, EK Solomou, M. Safioleas, M. Alamani, L. Grigorakos, EM Merikas
Hepatogastroenterology. Current Medical and Surgical Trends
Official Journal of the International Association of Surgeons and Gastroenterologists
Volume 51, No 56, Pages 427-433, Athens- Stuttgart, March-April 2004
8. “Two-Stage Liver Surgery for Advanced Liver Metastasis Synchronous with Colorectal Tumor”
N. Lygidakis, G. Singh, E. Bardaxoglou, G. Dedemadi, G. Sgourakis, J. Nestoridis, A. Malliotakis, M. Pedonomou, EK Solomou, M. Safioleas, M. Alamani, L. Grigorakos, EM Merikas
Hepatogastroenterology. Current Medical and Surgical Trends
Official Journal of the International Association of Surgeons and Gastroenterologists
Volume 51, No 56, Pages 413-418, Athens- Stuttgart, March-April 2004
9. “New Frontiers in the Management of Advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma. A new look to an old problem”
N. Lygidakis, G. Singh, E. Bardaxoglou, G. Sgourakis, M. Pedonomou, J. Nestoridis, A. Malliotakis, G. Dedemadi
Hepatogastroenterology. Current Medical and Surgical Trends
Official Journal of the International Association of Surgeons and Gastroenterologists
Volume 51, No 55, Pages 62-67, Athens- Stuttgart, January-February 2004
10. “Injury Severity Score ISS and its Influence in Elderly ICU Patients” (Greek)
M. Pedonomos, A. Karagiannis, A. Karabinis et al.
Modern Gerontology and Geriatrics. P. 314-316. Synedron Publications, Athens 2002
11. “Frequency of Bacteria Isolation in Elderly ICU Patients” (Greek)
M. Pedonomos, M. Tsirintonaki, A. Karabinis et al.
Modern Gerontology and Geriatrics. P. 316-318. Synedron Publications, Athens 2002
12. “Surgical Treatment of Progressive Large Bowel and Rectum Cancer” (Greek)
M. Pedonomou, N. Varsamidakis, E. Gettimis, E. Kostopanagiotou, V. Polymeropoulos, E. Kalokerinos
Medical Chronicles Journal. Volume 25, Issue 9. P. 426-429. Athens, September 2002
Scientific Work
B) Presentations
B) Presentation
1. “The Obesity Problem in Cyprus”
Invited Speaker
IFSO European Chapter Symposium and II Mediterranean Obesity Summit MOSS.
Naples, Italy, 11-13 May 2017
2. “Laparoscopic Cholecystctomies: An Audit of Time Between Onset of Symptoms and
Poster Presentation
M. Pedonomou, M. Nawzad Raghib
10th Annual Medical Congress, Famagusta Medical Association “Galinos”. Larnaca, 18-19
March 2017
3. “Ectopic and Heterotopic Pregnancy”
Poster Presentation
M. Pedonomou, A.P.D. Hadjineocli, P. Mitsingas
10th Annual Medical Congress, Famagusta Medical Association “Galinos”. Larnaca, 18-19
March 2017
4. “Recovery Periods for Anorectal Abscesses and Factors that Influence the Healing Process”
Poster Presentation
M. Pedonomou, A. Baydoun, M. Theophanous
10th Annual Medical Congress, Famagusta Medical Association “Galinos”. Larnaca, 18-19
March 2017
5. “The Significant Improvement of Quality of Life in Morbidly Obese Patients
after LaparoscopicSleeve Gastrectomy”
Oral Presentation
M. Pedonomou
European Obesity Summit (EOS) 2016. Gothenburg, Sweden, 1-4 June 2016
6. “Bariatric Surgery in Cyprus”
Invited Speaker
1st Mediterranean Obesity Summit MOSS 2016. Naples, Italy, 4-8 April 2016
7. “Morbid Obesity and Quality of Life after Bariatric Surgical Management”
Invited Speaker
14th Cyprus Surgical Congress. 5-6 December 2014, Nicosia, Cyprus
8. “Morbid Obesity and Surgical Treatment”
Oral Presentation
M. Pedonomou
13th Pancyprian Perioperative Congress. 4-5 October 2013, Protaras, Cyprus
9. ‘Is bariatric surgery the surgical answer to the treatment of diabetes mellitus type II between morbidly obese patients?”
Oral Presentation
M. Pedonomou
28th Panhellenic Surgical Congress and International Surgical Forum 2012. 21-24 November 2012, Athens, Greece
10. “Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy as Surgical Method of Choice in the Treatment of Morbid Obesity”
Oral Presentation
M. Pedonomou, Ch. Anastasi, M. Michalidou, Ch. Andreou
28th Panhellenic Surgical Congress and International Surgical Forum 2012. 21-24 November 2012, Athens, Greece
11. “Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy as Surgical Method in the Treatment of Morbid Obesity”
Oral Presentation
M. Pedonomou, Ch. Anastasi, M. Michalidou, Ch. Andreou
15th Scientific Meeting. Larnaca and Famagusta Medical Associations. Larnaca 26- 27 October 2012
12. “The Role of Bariatric Surgery in the Treatment of Obesity and Metabolic Diseases”
Invited Speaker
21st Scientific Meeting of the Greece and Cyprus Societies for Diabetes Mellitus. 7-8 April 2012,
Agia Napa, Cyprus, 26-27 October 2012
13. “Obesity: Surgical Management and Nutrition”
Oral Presentations
M. Pedonomou, E. Konstantinou
3rd Scientific Congress of the Nicosia and Kyrenia Medical Associations. 5-6 November 2011,
14. “Job’s Syndrome with Necrotizing Fasciitis”.
Nomination for the Best Poster Presentation
M. Pedonomou, M. Nicolaou, Chr. Panaretou, Ch. Andreou, St. Stavrou
27th Pan-Hellenic Surgical Congress and International Surgical Forum 2010, Athens, Greece 27th Panhellenic Surgical Congress.
15. “Job’s Syndrome with Necrotizing Fasciitis. A Case Study”.
Oral Presentation
M. Nicolaou, M. Pedonomou, Ch. Andreou
12th Pancyprian Surgical Congress. Nicosia, 22- 23 October 2010
16. “The Role of Stereotactic Breast Biopsy in the Early Detection of Breast Cancer”
Oral Presentation
M. Pedonomou, Chr. Panaretou, Chr. Christoforides, Chr. Petrides, M. Nicolaou, Ch. Andreou,
St. Stavrou
9th Greece-Cyprus Biannual Surgical Congress. 30 October- 1 November 2009, Nicosia, Cyprus
17. “A Very Rare Clinical Study”
Oral Presentation
M. Pedonomou, M. Papoulas, Ch. Andreou, N. Malakounides
11th Cyprus Surgical Congress. 13-14 December 2008, Nicosia, Cyprus
18. “Problems to Solve and Future Targets In The Treatment of Pancreas Tumors”
Round Table: Pancreas Tumors
Invited Speaker
8th Greece-Cyprus Biannual Surgical Congress. Nicosia, Cyprus, 1-4 November 2007
19. “Population Screening for Breast Cancer and Detection of Non-palpable Breast Lesions”
Oral Presentation
M. Pedonomou, G. Georghiou, Chr. Christoforides, B. Partasides, N. Malakounides, P. Symeonides
8th Greece-Cyprus Biannual Surgical Congress. 1-4 November 2007, Nicosia, Cyprus
20. “Thyroid Carcinoma: Correlation Between Solid and Multinodal Disease. A Retrospective Study”
Oral Presentation
Ch. Petrou, M. Pedonomou, A. Christodoulou, P. Symeonides
8th Greece-Cyprus Biannual Surgical Congress. 1-4 November 2007, Nicosia, Cyprus
21. “Pancreas Cystadenocarcinoma: Presentation of an Interesting Case”
Oral Presentation
G. Zodiatis, Z. Christodoulou, M. Pedonomou et al.
10th Cyprus Surgical Congress. 21-22 October 2006, Nicosia, Cyprus
22. “Case Report: Postoperative Complications-Peritonitis in an ICU Patient”
Oral Presentation
M. Panayi, M. Pedonomou, C. Michael, P. Symeonides
10th Cyprus Surgical Congress. 21-22 October 2006, Nicosia, Cyprus
23. “Morbid Obesity: A Contemporary Medical Problem”
Oral Presentation
M. Pedonomou
9th Scientific Meeting, Larnaca Medical Association. 24 September 2006, Larnaca, Cyprus
24. “The Introduction of Laparoscopic Surgery in a Small District Hospital”
Oral Presentation
M. Pedonomou, Ath. Karagiannis, Chr. Vassos, G. Prelorentzos, A. Ntafopoulos, Ath. Zaverdinos
7th Panhellenic Congress of LaparoEndoscopic Surgery. 19-22 May 2005, Ioannina, Greece
25. “Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: Pros and Contras(?)”
Oral Presentation
M. Pedonomou, Chr. Vassos, S. Mantzavinos, St. Adam, Ath. Karagiannis, Ath. Zaverdinos
7th Panhellenic Congress of LaparoEndoscopic Surgery. 19-22 May 2005, Ioannina, Greece
26. “Diagnostic Peritoneal Lavage in Closed Abdominal Injuries”
Oral Presentation
Ath. Karagiannis, S. Mantzavinos, St. Adam, V. Tzimas, Chr. Vassos, M. Pedonomou
3rd Congress, Hellenic Trauma and Surgical Emergencies Society. 25-27 Febuary 2005, Athens, Greece
27. “Surgical Treatment of Abdominal Hernias”
Poster Presentation
Ath. Karagiannis, S. Sryrou, M. Pedonomou, M. Tsirantonaki, M. Aretis, Ath. Zaverdinos
8th Pan-Hellenic Congress in Geriatrics and Gerontology. Athens, 22-24 January 2004
28. “Cholelithisis and Choledocholithisis: Surgical and Endoscopic Treatment”
Oral Presentation
E. Gettimis, E. Kostopanagiotou, M. Pedonomou, E. Kalokerinos et al.
22nd Panhellenic Gastroenterology Congress. 21-24 November 2002, Athens, Greece
29. “Injuries of Intra-Abdominal Solid Organs”
Oral Presentation
E. Gettimis, E. Kostopanagiotou, M. Pedonomou, E. Kalokerinos et al.
23rd Panhellenic Surgical Congress and International Surgical Forum. 9-12 November 2002, Athens, Greece
30. “Surgical Treatment of Duodenal Ulcer Perforation”
Oral Presentation
E. Gettimis, Ath. Siafakas, E. Kostopanagiotou, M. Pedonomou, E. Kalokerinos et al.
23rd Panhellenic Surgical Congress and International Surgical Forum. 9-12 November 2002, Athens, Greece
31. “Pancreatecomy in the Treatment of Neoplasmatic Pancreas Diseases”.
Oral Presentation, awarded with Distinction
E. Kostopanagiotou, E. Gettimis, N. Varsamidakis, K. Katis, Ch. Farantos, M. Pedonomou, A. Papas, G. Evangelou, E. Kalokerinos
23rd Panhellenic Surgical Congress and International Surgical Forum. 9-12 November 2002, Athens, Greece
32. “Problems related to the insertion of trocars in laparoscopic cholecystectomy”
Oral Presentation
E. Yettimis, M. Pedonomou, N. Varsamidakis, V.Polymeropoulos, V. Trompetas, A. Pappas, N. Koronakis, S. Liolios, E. Kalokairinos
2nd Mediterranean & Middle Eastern Endoscopic Surgery Congress. Athens, 31 October-3November 2002
33. “Severe Peritonitis in ICU Patients”
Oral Presentation
M. Pedonomos, N. Katsarelis, K. Marayiannis, H. Tsagaris, E. Paramithiotou, N. Skambas, S. Spyrou, E. Makridou, A. Karagiannis, K. Papazafiri, M. Tsirantonaki, I. Koutsodimitropoulos, M. Pedonomou, A. Karambinis
European Society of Intensive Care Medicine. 15th Annual Congress. Barcelona, Spain, 29 September- 2 October 2002
34. “Rare Pancreas Tumors: Our Experience”
Oral Presentation
E. Yettimis, N. Varsamidakis, E. Kostopanagiotou, M. Pedonomou, V.Polymeropoulos, V. Trompetas, Ath. Siafakas, E. Kalokairinos
7th Panhellenic Hepatobiliary Surgical Society. 19-21 September 2002, Alexandroupolis, Greece
35. “Bile Leakage After Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy”
Oral Presentation
E. Yettimis, N. Varsamidakis, M. Pedonomou, V.Polymeropoulos, V. Trompetas, A. Papas, Ath. Siafakas, E. Kalokairinos
7th Panhellenic Hepatobiliary Surgical Society. 19-21 September 2002, Alexandroupolis, Greece
36. “Injury to the Extrahepatic Bile Ducts: Diagnosis and Treatment”
Oral Presentation
E. Yettimis, E. Kostopanagiotou, N. Varsamidakis, M. Pedonomou, A. Pappas, G. Evangelou, N. Koronakis, E. Kalokairinos
7th Panhellenic Hepatobiliary Surgical Society. 19-21 September 2002, Alexandroupolis, Greece
37. “Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: Open or Close Approach to Create Pneumoperitoneum?”
Oral Presentation
E. Yettimis, M. Pedonomou, N. Varsamidakis, S. Mitrou, V.Polymeropoulos, K. Katis, A. Pappas, E. Kalokairinos
5th Greece-Cyprus Biannual Surgical Congress. 25-27 October 2001, Nicosia, Cyprus
38. “Palliative Procedures in the Treatment of Colon Carcinoma”
Oral Presentation
N. Varsamidakis, E. Kostopanagiotou, M. Pedonomou, E. Yettimis, Ch. Farantos, E. Kalokairinos
5th Greece-Cyprus Biannual Surgical Congress. 25-27 October 2001, Nicosia, Cyprus
39. “Treatment of Bed Sores in Surgical Patients”
Oral Presentation
V.Polymeropoulos, E. Yettimis, N. Varsamidakis, M. Pedonomou, Ch. Farantos, A. Papas, G. Evangelou, E. Kalokairinos
5th Greece-Cyprus Biannual Surgical Congress. 25-27 October 2001, Nicosia, Cyprus
40. “Multifactorial Analysis of Sepsis in ICU”
Oral Presntation
M. Pedonomos, M. Tsirantonaki, Ath. Karagiannis, A. Karabinis et al.
8th Panhellenic Congress of Intensive Medicine. 19-21 October 2001, Athens, Greece
41. “Resistance of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa in Patients With Mechanical Ventilation Depending on the Time of Appearance of Nosocomial Pneumonia”
Oral Presntation
M. Pedonomos, M. Tsirantonaki, E. Frangiskatou, A. Karabinis et al.
8th Panhellenic Congress of Intensive Medicine. 19-21 October 2001, Athens, Greece
42. “Our Experience in Laparoscopic Surgery: The First Results Four Years After Introduction of Laparoscopic Surgery in Larnaca General Hospital”
Oral Presentation
P. Orfanides, L. Voukis, Ch. Chatziharos, Th. Pallaris, M. Taliadoros, N. Nicolaou, M. Pedonomou, Z. Ntontou, E. Kitiris, M. Theofanous
17th Pancyprian Medical Congress. 6-7 November 1999, Protaras, Cyprus
43. . “Stereotactic Guided Breast Biopsy in Non-palpable Breast Lesions”
Oral Presentation
M. Pedonomou, Z. Ntontou, M. Taliadoros, M. Theofanous
17th Pancyprian Medical Congress. 6-7 November 1999, Protaras, Cyprus
44. “The Value of Stereotactic Guided Breast Biopsy in the Detection of Non-palpable Breast Lesions”
Oral Presentation
M. Pedonomou, Z. Ntontou, M. Taliadoros, M. Theofanous
4th Greece-Cyprus Biannual Surgical Congress. 27-31 October 1999, Nicosia, Cyprus
45. “Thyroid Carcinoma Between Young People”
Oral Presentation
Z. Ntontou, Chr. Karagiannis, M. Taliadoros, M. Pedonomou, M. Theofanous
4th Greece-Cyprus Biannual Surgical Congress. 27-31 October 1999, Nicosia, Cyprus
46. “Two Rare Cases of Non-Lithiasic Acute Cholecystitis”
Oral Presentation
L. Voukis, M. Pedonomou, M. Theofanous
4th Greece-Cyprus Biannual Surgical Congress. 27-31 October 1999, Nicosia, Cyprus
47. “A Rare Case of Acute Surgical Abdomen”
Oral Presentation
Ch. Chatziharos, M. Pedonomou, M. Theofanous
4th Greece-Cyprus Biannual Surgical Congress. 27-31 October 1999, Nicosia, Cyprus
48. “New Trends in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Breast Tumors”
Oral Presentation
K. Demosthenous, M. Pedonomou, G. Christofinas
10th Panhellenic Surgery Nursing Congress. 23-26 September 1999, Kos, Greece
49. “ Stereotactic Guided Biopsy to non-palpable Breast Lesions”
Oral Presentation
M. Pedonomou, Z. Ntontou, M. Theofanous
2nd Scientific Seminar, Larnaca Medical Association, Larnaca General Hospital.
5th June 1999