Visit to Moscow with a delegation of the Municipality of Engomi. (6-10 Oct. 2018)
With a group of fellow doctors, Dr. Pedonomou took part in an organized by the Municipality of Engomi in the framework of a delegation of the Municipality of Moscow. The visit was held in the framework of the Friendship and Cooperation Protocol of the Municipalities of Engomi and Arbat Moscow and was aimed at meeting and exchanging views on medical matters. The team toured the Moscow Emergency Management Center and explained how the Center responds to the thousands of calls it receives daily and how it handles each emergency separately.
They also visited the World War II Veterans’ Hospital, considered the second largest in Moscow, and was briefed by the Hospital Chief and Deputy in the Moscow Duma Dr. Shastina, for how it works and the range of its activities. The visit ended with a friendly basketball match of the Cypriot mission with a team of hospital doctors.
The mission also had a number of political contacts (visit to Arbat City Hall and Moscow Duma and meeting with the Ambassador of the Republic of Cyprus to Russia), as well as cultural visits to major monuments and sites in the city.